Achieving Operational Transformation & Heightened Reporting
JCMG embraced change, resulting in improved financial management and patient care processes.

With HST’s solutions, this ASC can now:
- Efficiently analyze staffing allocation and time utilization through comprehensive reporting.
- Accommodate a higher caseload while still meeting their operational goals.
- Eliminate numerous hours previously spent on paper charting.
# of Centers: 1
# of ORs: 4 (and 3 procedure rooms)
Featured Solutions: Surgery Center Management, Electronic Charting, Scheduling & Care Communication, Patient Estimates, and Patient Engagement
Solutions in Use: Surgery Center Management, Electronic Charting, Scheduling & Care Communication, Patient Estimates, and Patient Engagement
State(s): MO
Customer type: ASC
Specialties: Multi-specialty

The Challenge
Jefferson City Medical Group Outpatient Surgery Center (JCMG) was grappling with a multitude of challenges before the implementation of HST. The burden of paper-based processes was one of the most pressing difficulties encountered. This included the laborious task of handling charts, the creation and disassembly of paper charts, and the scanning of these charts. Further complications arose in the form of manual data entry for reports, which was both time-consuming and prone to human error.
Moreover, the scheduling process was deemed inefficient, hindering the center from running smoothly. The execution of running reports, both financial and state, and overall process efficiency also posed significant challenges. These issues not only disrupted the day-to-day functioning of the center but also cast a shadow over its long-term performance.
JCMG was striving to enhance patient care and boost efficiency to achieve their set goals. However, the hurdles encountered in their daily operations were significant roadblocks on this path. Therefore, a solution was sought that could effectively address these issues and assist JCMG in overcoming these challenges. The quest for such a solution led them to HST.
The Solution
In response to the challenges faced, several HST products were implemented by JCMG to streamline and improve everything from scheduling to reporting (turnover times, clinical reports, financial reports, & state reporting). Natasha heard about HST by talking to other ASCs about what they were using, as well as hearing about HST at various conferences. JCMG implemented HST’s surgery center management, electronic charting, scheduling & care communication, patient estimates, and HST’s patient engagement solution. The selection of HST was driven by the need to enhance various aspects of their operations, such as scheduling, reporting, financial management, and patient care processes.
The HST products were recognized for their user-friendly interface and ease of use, with the touchscreens and tablets being particularly appreciated by the staff. These features contributed to a smoother workflow and reduced the time spent on tasks.
Through the implementation of HST, there was a marked improvement in efficiency at JCMG. Goals such as fine-tuning case costing, simplifying the execution of reports, and streamlining charting and documentation were achieved.
Therefore, the implementation of HST products in April of 2022 served as a successful solution to the challenges encountered by JCMG, aiding them in their journey towards improved operations and better patient care. As Natasha said, since implementing HST, they are now “paying more attention to the patients, not the computers.”
I love the reports. If I want to look up anything specific, I can easily find the report, run it, get the information I need, and have it within a snap. Before it was difficult to pull all the data manually for board meetings, but now I can run reports and in seconds have all the data I need at my fingertips.
Natasha Gladbach
Director, JCMG Outpatient Surgery Center
The Results
The implementation of HST products at JCMG since April 2022 has yielded significant results. A notable increase in efficiency was observed, stemming from the elimination of time-consuming tasks such as handling and creating paper charts. This led to substantial time savings, which further improved the day-to-day functioning at JCMG. Natasha says, “it’s definitely improved a lot of processes.”
Running reports in HST was found to be quick and straightforward, “a life saver for me” says Natasha. Natasha and her team now have the ability to quickly and easily access specific data and information necessary for board meetings and financial reporting. The state reporting process also saw marked improvements, with reduced complexity and time savings. Natasha mentioned that JCMG is now able to fine tune case costing by looking at the new procedures they’ve added in the last 1.5 years as well as the reimbursements. For Natasha, as the Director of the ASC, the reporting is what stands out the most.
As alluded to above, financial management at JCMG was enhanced through the use of HST. Streamlining case costing, analysis of reimbursements, and cost comparisons among different physicians were made possible, leading to improved financial oversight.
Additionally, nurses at JCMG reported an efficient and user-friendly charting process facilitated by HST. This allowed them to dedicate more attention to patient care, rather than being preoccupied with computer tasks. Natasha shared that “when I talk to nurses, they love the ease of it. Touch screens. Ease of patient care. You don’t feel like you are staring at the computer the whole time when you are taking care of your patient because the charting is so easy.”
JCMG experienced significant growth, performing a thousand more cases within a year compared to the previous year. Despite this increase, the staff hours per case remained within set goals, indicating efficient resource management.
Cost savings were realized through the elimination of paper charts and the streamlining of processes. Further utilization of HST features, such as HST’s scheduling & care communication and patient health history, is enhancing efficiency and patient care.
Owners of JCMG expressed appreciation for the positive impact of HST and its compatibility with the ASC. They indicated their willingness to recommend HST to other ASCs.
The implementation process of HST at JCMG involved weekly meetings, task lists, and support from the HST team, ensuring a smooth transition. Any questions or issues were addressed by the responsive, helpful, and knowledgeable customer support team at HST.
In conclusion, the implementation of HST products at JCMG has had a transformative impact, enhancing operational efficiency, improving financial management, and elevating patient care.
We’ve been able to fine tune our case costing and the reimbursements. It’s so easy to run the reports and see where we are at. It’s been a life saver for me.
Natasha Gladbach
Director, JCMG Outpatient Surgery Center
The Future
The relationship between JCMG and HST is anticipated to continue growing stronger in the future. Several plans have been outlined by JCMG, which illustrate their commitment towards further enhancing their operations with the aid of HST.
One such plan involves the implementation of HST’s scheduling & care communication. This feature will enable patients to complete their health history at home, resulting in time savings for the pre-admissions coordinator.
Another area of interest for JCMG is the upcoming GI module from HST. There is a sense of anticipation for this module, and plans are in place to switch over to it upon its release.
The ease of use and efficiency provided by HST’s software has been greatly valued by JCMG. The support and assistance received from the customer support team have also been appreciated. These factors will continue to play a significant role in JCMG’s decision to maintain their relationship with HST.