Hudson Crossing Surgery Center

Hudson Crossing Surgery Center

Streamlining Case Volume & Revenue Growth Hudson Valley Surgery Center increased efficiency and revenue by streamlining scheduling processes. By streamlining redundant, old-fashioned processes: Case volume increased by 17 per month, boosting revenue by $30,000...
Crown Point Surgery Center

Crown Point Surgery Center

Increasing Case Volume and Improving Collections Crown Point Surgery Center enhances efficiency and patient care through innovative cloud-based surgery coordination. Implementing HST Case Coordination resulted in: Reduced case coordination time from 21 minutes to 5...
Orthopaedic Associates of Michigan

Orthopaedic Associates of Michigan

Revolutionizing Operations & Inventory Management Orthopaedic Associates of Michigan enhanced patient communication, improved inventory management, and reduced cancellations. After saying goodbye to manual processes: Chart packs have been reduced by 67% One FTE loss...
Jefferson City Medical Group

Jefferson City Medical Group

Achieving Operational Transformation & Heightened Reporting JCMG embraced change, resulting in improved financial management and patient care processes. With HST’s solutions, this ASC can now: Efficiently analyze staffing allocation and time utilization through...
Quad City

Quad City

Revamping ASC Processes: HST’s Impact on Quad City’s Efficiency and Patient Interaction Quad City ASC experienced a transformation in communication and employee satisfaction. This ASC that specializes in orthopedic & pain management has been able to achieve:...